

Use Cases are the Hub of the Software Development Lifecycle

Use Case Definition:  Use Cases have been around for almost 30 years as a requirements approach and have been part of the inspiration for more recent techniques such as user stories. Now the inspiration has flown in the other direction. Use-Case 2.0 is the new generation of use-case driven development - light, agile and lean - inspired by user stories, Scrum and Kanban.

Image of the cover of The Ultimate Guide to Use Cases

Use Cases - The Ultimate Guide …this guide describes how to apply use cases in an agile and scalable fashion. It builds on the current state of the art to present an evolution of the use-case technique that we call Use-Case 2.0. The goal is to provide you with a foundation to help you get the most out of your use cases; one that is not only applicable for small co-located agile teams but also large distributed teams, outsourcing, and complex multi-system developments.

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