

Combined Portfolios

Can you have a Portfolio that combines both Operational and Development Value Streams? What are the challenges you might experience when attempting to setting up a Combined Portfolio?

SAFe Dispersed PI Planning Diagram - how to run PI Planning events remotely

With more and more people working from home, many organisations that have adopted SAFe® are having to adapt their processes in order to accommodate completely dispersed teams.

SAFe Dispersed PI Planning Diagram - how to run PI Planning events remotely

With more and more people working from home, many organisations that have adopted SAFe® are having to adapt their processes in order to accommodate completely dispersed teams.

SAFe Dispersed PI Planning Diagram - how to run PI Planning events remotely

With more and more people working from home, many organisations that have adopted SAFe® are having to adapt their processes in order to accommodate completely dispersed teams.

Scaled Agile Gold Partner Badge - Ivar Jacobson International

I was recently asked to help facilitate and to act as coach at a multi-day kick-off event for a new Agile Release Train (ART). The agenda initially looked a lot like that of the SAFe Program Increment (PI) Planning event, but there were immediate differences, the main one being a restricted attendee list due to ongoing team recruitment. The people in the room consisted largely of the SAFe Program level: Release Train Engineer (RTE), Product Management, Product Owner, Architecture, and a few Subject Matter Experts...

Features or Use Cases for Agile Development?

In this first of a new series of blog articles, author Roly Stimson discusses how Use-Case slices are a simple but powerful technique to identify and prioritize small increments of releasable value and how these can be split (if and when needed) into smaller items that you can independently prioritize, schedule, build, test and demonstrate.

Agile Features and Use Cases for software development

In this first of a new series of blog articles, author Roly Stimson discusses how Use-Case slices are a simple but powerful technique to identify and prioritize small increments of releasable value and how these can be split (if and when needed) into smaller items that you can independently prioritize, schedule, build, test and demonstrate.

In this first of a new series of blog articles, author Roly Stimson discusses how Use-Case slices are a simple but powerful technique to identify and prioritize small increments of releasable value and how these can be split (if and when needed) into smaller items that you can independently prioritize, schedule, build, test and demonstrate.

Image of the Fujitsu corporate logo.  Provides access to an IJI case study explaining how IJI helped Fujitsu move towards agility with an Essence based agility workshop.

In a recent blog by Fujitsu’s Rob Devlen, Fujitsu and IJI go Agile with Essence, Devlen describes how Ivar Jacobson International (IJI) worked with Fujitsu to create a workshop to build an understanding of Agile for their top 100 executives and senior managers in the EMEIA region. The blog article describes how we created that interactive workshop with them, facilitated the session and the results obtained. In this article we’ll show you a flavour of some of the content.

Image of the Scrum Practice Sprint Review card. Pulled from the Scrum Essentials Practice developed in conjunction with Scrum Inc.

Scrum and its hybrids are the dominant approaches used by Agile teams today. However, despite Scrum being a seemingly simple framework, many teams struggle to apply Scrum well and fail to achieve the faster delivery of higher value products that are promised. Playing the Practice Spotlight game is a simple way to improve any team's understanding and application of Scrum.

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