

Learn About Agile Contracts with IJI

As Agile Software Development practices become more and more popular both customers and suppliers are looking to find ways to have more agile contracts. Contracts that reflect and exploit the benefits of an agile way-of-working on both sides of the relationship. This hands-on workshop introduces and applies a number of simple but powerful tools to enable customers and suppliers to establish effective contracts that reflect their level of agility without constraining or compromising that of their partners.

Achieve Rapid and Sustainable Agile Transformation

One of the biggest challenges with agile change programs is achieving lasting change. So often, external consultants are brought in to impart their expertise in specific areas, only for this expertise to disappear as soon as the consultants leave. Our goal is to help you to change culture and behaviours in a lasting way, so that you can become truly independent and self-sufficient in new ways of working.

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