

Three Part Agile Engineering Webinar with Ivar Jacobson

Software Engineering was the theme of a 1968 conference in Garmisch, Germany, with at the time the leading computer scientists and methodologists in the world. That meeting is considered being the beginning of software engineering and by now we have developed the discipline over 50 years.

Software Engineering Method and Theory Organisation (SEMAT)

Key takeaways in article: *What issues can SEMAT help address within an organisation. *What is the best way to train people in the use of SEMAT so that its understood and used. *Why are the SEMAT cards important? *How can SEMAT be applied to the Enterprise, Programmes and Projects. *How can the use of SEMAT be scaled out across your organisation.

Agile and SEMAT Perfect Partners for Software Engineering Best Practices

Ben LInders interviews Ivar Jacobson and Ian Spence on the use of SEMAT within agile adoption. Published on InfoQ.

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