
Agile Change Simulation

High impact and engaging game-based simulation of large-scale organisational change. Uses realistic scenarios and impediments often faced as you scale agile in your enterprise.

Training Information

Course Overview

As executives and leaders scale proven practices across the enterprise, consideration needs to be given to the obstacles they will face. IJI has developed numerous tools, techniques and practices to help leaders overcome these obstacle, which include: outsourced devlopment, distributed environments, spnsorship, skills availability and many others. This unique and innovative workshop is designed to simulate a transformation and show how these issues can be overcome, using techniques drawn from decades of real-life experience.

Other Course Information

Leaders responsible for software, Change initiative stakeholders and Software / Business change agents.

Customer Reviews 

A key success factor of our initiative was quickly reaching self-sufficiency. With intense support IJI helped us to develop our key people rapidly so that we could very early start to drive the change by ourselves.

Senior Project Manager, Large International Financial Services Company

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