Conduct an in-depth analysis of elements of your Practice to understand them better.
- Choose which practice elements you wish to inspect (eg Important Activities, Practice Values). Consider using Practice Patience or Practice Prioritization to select which elements to inspect.
- Take each element in turn and place in the center of the canvas.
- Arrange any other cards that relate to it around the Inspection Element.
- Draw arrows from the Inspection Element to the other cards and describe the relationship.
- Use notes to add any other things that are important from outside the practice.
- Discuss what this tells you and whether you want to take any actions as a team.
- Play turn-based or collaboratively.
- This game works well played regularly with a small number of elements each time rather than the whole practice.
- Play in multiple groups and compare results to see how well the elements are understood across your team or teams.
- Ideally, do this as a team in Essence WorkBench™ (formerly TeamSpace).