
Use Case 2.0 e-Learning

2023-12-31 09:00 to 17:00
Self paced e-Learning
Wherever you are!
£222 (GBP)
Master the New Generation of Use Cases

This online eLearning course will equip learners with the skills and techniques necessary to effectively elicit, communicate, and manage their requirements using use cases. In particular they will learn how to drive agile projects using lightweight use cases and use-case slices. Students will then learn how to quickly and simply build a use-case model and prepare their use cases in an agile fashion. Throughout the eLearning modules, common problems and their solutions will be explored as well as summary reviews and Ivar’s top tips to remember. Reference examples and exercise solutions are also supplied.

Use Case 2.0 e-Learning

Training Information

Course Overview

Use Case 2.0 Logo

Attendees will learn:

  • the principles behind use-case modeling
  • how to capture requirements in a use-case model
  • how to build a product backlog using use cases
  • how to slice use cases to create well-defined pieces of work for agile teams
  • how to manage scope using use cases
  • how to create a use-case model
  • where actors and use cases come from
  • how to write use-case narratives
  • how to iteratively develop the use-case narratives
  • how to manage detail
  • how to handle business rules and non-functional requirements
  • when and where to use optional features such as include and extend
  • how to drive analysis, design and testing using use cases

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Course Itinerary

Seven Modules of Self-Paced Learning

  1. The Fundamentals of Use-Case Modeling
  2. Finding Actors & Use Cases
  3. Outlining & Slicing Use Cases
  4. Preparing a Use-Case Slice
  5. Analyzing a Use-Case Slice
  6. Adapting your Use Case Model
  7. Agility with Use-Case 2.0
Other Course Information
  • Product Owners
  • Business Analysts
  • Systems Analysts
  • Customer Representatives
  • Requirements Managers
  • Requirement Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Developers and Testers
What You Receive 

Use-Case 2.0 Accreditation Certificate with successful completion of course and passing of exam.


No requirements

Exam Details 

The course includes an exam and students receiving a grade of 80% or greater will receive a Use-Case 2.0 Accreditation Certificate.

PDU Credits 
  • Attendees may be eligible to apply for 8 PDUs toward continuing education requirements with the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI) for PMP or PMI-ACP certifications
Customer Reviews 

Use Case 2.0 (or ‘Agile Use Cases’) has turned out to be the perfect solution for providing the business context, functional scope and just-in-time value-driven scenarios that fuel a prioritized backlog for agile delivery. The Use Case 2.0 approach facilitates the discovery and organization of User-centric scenarios or Slices, with the added benefit of producing definitive Test Cases for the Acceptance Criteria (which I had always found to be an area of ambiguity with ‘traditional’ User Stories). Use Case 2.0 has provided a natural bridge for the Enterprise to leverage its rich baseline of business processes, rules and requirements when transforming into Agile-centric delivery.

Large US Bank

Use case 2.0 has been key to initiation of our new project. With a team that were new to Agile, Use Case 2.0 facilitated rapid visualisation of the business layer and development of rational slices for elaboration and prioritisation. Our Use Case 2.0 deployment is invaluable for demonstrating product scope to stakeholders and ensuring requirements are captured comprehensively.

UK Public Sector Product Manager

Using UC 2.0 is saving resource time on the project by identifying impacted requirements prior to creating stories. When we are INVESTing in stories now, they are well thought out and include the requirements.

Project Management

With UC2.0 approach to identify and update the impacted Use Cases as per initial user story’s discussion helps QA to understand details/impact during the grooming discussion. Having these details/impacts allow QA to come up with more accurate sizing and start test prep early rather than waiting for Business Requirement Document updates later in the process.

Team Lead

We have just started using UC 2.0 in our project and it’s been great! Discussing the use cases and the impact on the requirements early on has made the workflow smoother. From a design perspective, there is a better understanding of the work needed as well as the amount of work. I look forward to continuing this process moving forward.

Senior Producer

UC2.0 approach helped in defining the story much better and it was possible to have rich details which led to more efficient grooming session with Development & QA teams and also reduced the time spent on ambiguities. It also helped in slicing the stories to manageable slices so they can be finished in one sprint.

Product Owner

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