
Essential Practices

Agile Essentials Cards and Games for Software Teams

The Agile Essentials practices provide a basic starter kit toolbox that covers all the common and critical aspects of team-based development. Each practice contains a small number of cards that provide useful, structured advice on how to successfully adopt and apply each practice.

New Agile Standard Essence - a market disrupting innovation presentation

A new, cutting-edge approach can help you harness the principles of disparate software methodologies to accelerate adoption and deliver value. Essence, a modular standard created by the Object Management Group and promulgated by SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory), provides a method-agnostic, common language for re-using software practices. Companies using Essence have seen dramatic cost-savings, process improvements and even new business creation.  Essence enables configuration of the 17 best-known agile methodologies in the market into smaller, foundational atomic “bricks” of re-usable practices. Currently the CA Technologies stack (CA PPM, Agile Central, CDM, Release Automation and Service Virtualization) is one of the unique environments that support all of these re-usable bricks of Agile practices.

The IoT with its expected huge number of products will need a multitude of methods. Mandating a one-size-fits-all method was an old dream that never worked in practice. 60 years of having monolithic methods in system development is also enough. Let’s break their tyranny using smarter Essence-based methods.

Agile at Scale practices provide a starter kit that describes key common aspects of scaled agile development. Each practice contains cards that provide succinct advice on how to adopt and apply the practice. The Team-of-Teams Essentials Practice helps achieve a collectively high-­performing team of collaborating teams. The practice helps teams: Share lessons learned and other knowledge, including good and bad experiences with tools and practices, and cross-­skill through events such as coding dojos Agree how they should be organized to minimize dependencies and collaborate...

Agile at Scale practices provide a starter kit that describes key common aspects of scaled agile development. Each practice contains cards that provide succinct advice on how to adopt and apply the practice. The Shared Backlog Essentials Practices help prioritize and marshal the delivery of product value requiring the collaboration of many teams. The practice provides guidance to: * Have a clear definition of what it means for any Shared Backlog Item to be fully completed and ready for release * Test-­First Integration: The Product Backlog Items that need to be developed in...

Learn about Agile Release Management Practices - Agile Coaching Tools from Essence Agility

Agile at Scale practices provide a starter kit that describes key common aspects of scaled agile development. Each practice contains cards that provide succinct advice on how to adopt and apply the practice. The Release Management Essentials Practice helps evolve and enact a strategy to enable releases to be made in a frequent, fast, safe and timely way. The practices helps: Evolve a release strategy to maximize responsiveness to business need, enable value to be delivered frequently, and minimize release lead-­time, delay and risk Clear the Road to Live ensuring that what is...

Essence - Product Management Essentials Flyer

Agile at Scale practices provide a starter kit that describes key common aspects of scaled agile development. Each practice contains cards that provide succinct advice on how to adopt and apply the practice. The Product Management Essentials Practices helps manage the progress of product ideas to maximize value given limited development capacity. The practice helps: Ensure Product Ideas have sufficient relevance and possible value before investing further Analyze Product Ideas to determine priority based on return-­on-­investment analysis Measure the value of the Product Idea...

Agile at Scale practices provide a starter kit that describes key common aspects of scaled agile development. Each practice contains cards that provide succinct advice on how to adopt and apply the practice. The Periodic Alignment Practice aligns work priorities and plans of many teams to overall goals using synchronized planning cadences. The practice supports: * An effective way to manage work across many interdependent teams is to synchronize the team timebox “heartbeats” within a larger regular cadence cycle. * Two-­Pass (“W”) Planning: To Plan a Cycle use a two-­pass approach. * Capacity...

Development Support Essentials - An Essential Practice

The Development Support Essentials Practice helps automate and operate environments in support of development teams to optimize the development process.

Development Support Essentials - An Essential Practice

Development Support Essentials practice provides guidance to improve the development environment to enable faster delivery. This includes continuous integration, automated testing and deployment automation environments and tools.

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