

Example Alpha State Checklist to Track Progress

This article explains how to track progress of an Endeavor using the Essence standard and the key concept of Alphas.

A free MeetUp looking at how Essence brings extra value to The Flow System and other frameworks

Ivar Jacobson (IJI) and Joakim Sundén are delighted to announce a partnership to describe the Spotify Model to help people better understand what it is, and using Essence as an enabler, evolve the industries understanding of how it can be of value.

Infographic summarizing the various paths through the Essence and Essence WorkBench video summaries

If you are interested in the Value of Essence and Essence WorkBench™ and how that technology can help teams optimize their development capability, then you are in the right place...

When Dr. Ivar Jacobson was awarded the Gustaf Dalén Medal by Chalmers University in 2003, at the age of 63, you could be forgiven for thinking it would be a fitting tribute to a distinguished career in software engineering; that the next steps would be lazy afternoons playing golf and watching the grandchildren get older. But that isn’t how Ivar saw things - rather than receiving this award and resting on his laurels, he kept looking around at what was happening in software, and what he saw troubled him.

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